Graphic design. Brand and identity design. Web/UX/UI.

Ninox Games is a full-service tabletop games manufacturer specialising in the hobby gaming market. Quality manufacturing and attention to detail are a given. What makes Ninox unique is their dedication to ensuring clear, symmetrical communication throughout the whole process.

I was engaged to refine their brand and visual identity including a logo refresh. Ninox exists to serve and wanted a subtle premium feeling identity that plays secondary to their client's branding and colourful visuals.

The new logo refines their owl mascot into a modern scalable logo that works without colours. Ideas of clear communication and the gaming industry are expressed by having the owl in a speech bubble enclosed in a hexagon tile. The brand kit provides many lockups and variants to be as quiet as it needs to be whilst having a recognisable mark.

Typeface choices focus on being professional and clear. Tablet Gothic provides clear and straight-word readability in both digital and print. With over 84 styles allowing for flexibility in its usage, especially amidst dense amounts of information.
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